Nextgen Recruits Statement

Tackling Hidden Labour Exploitation

At NextGen Recruits we are fully committed to addressing hidden labour exploitation risks and ensuring the protection of workers’ rights. We recognize our responsibility to adhere to legislative requirements and follow best practice guidelines, including those outlined by Stronger Together.

To address hidden labour exploitation risks, we have implemented a comprehensive set of actions that align with both legislative requirements and Stronger Together good practice guidance. These actions include:

Policy Development: We have developed a robust policy that explicitly states our commitment to combating hidden labour exploitation and sets clear expectations for all stakeholders within our organization. This policy ensures that all our activities align with legislative requirements and good practice standards.

Training and Awareness: We provide regular training and awareness programs for our staff, including recruitment consultants, managers, and support teams. These training sessions cover topics such as identifying signs of hidden labour exploitation, reporting procedures, and ethical recruitment practices. Our training programs are designed to ensure that all staff members are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and respond to potential cases of hidden labour exploitation.

Supply Chain Due Diligence: We conduct thorough due diligence on our supply chain to ensure that our clients and partners uphold the same commitment to preventing hidden labour exploitation. This includes assessing their policies, practices, and compliance with relevant legislation. We actively engage with our clients and suppliers to promote responsible business practices and encourage transparency throughout the recruitment process.

Reporting Mechanisms: We have established confidential reporting mechanisms that enable workers, candidates, or any other concerned individuals to report suspicions or incidents of hidden labour exploitation. These channels are easily accessible and widely communicated to ensure that anyone can come forward without fear of reprisal. Reports are treated with the utmost seriousness, and appropriate actions are taken in response.

Collaboration and External Engagement: We actively engage with external stakeholders, such as Stronger Together, industry associations, NGOs, and labour rights organizations, to stay updated on emerging trends, best practices, and legislative changes. We collaborate with these stakeholders to improve our policies, procedures, and response mechanisms continually.

Continuous Improvement: We regularly review and enhance our practices to adapt to evolving risks and challenges related to hidden labour exploitation. We monitor key performance indicators, conduct internal audits, and seek feedback from stakeholders to identify areas for improvement. This iterative process ensures that our actions remain aligned with legislative requirements and good practice guidance.

At NextGen Recruits, our commitment to addressing hidden labour exploitation risks goes beyond compliance with legislative requirements. We strive to create a culture of ethical recruitment and responsible business practices throughout our operations. By following legislative requirements and implementing Stronger Together good practice guidance, we aim to protect the rights and well-being of workers, contribute to a fair and inclusive labour market, and actively work towards eradicating hidden labour exploitation in our industry.